1. 3bc8fd0 cmp-plugins-size: continue if a map file is absent/corrupted by Rafaël Carré · 14 years ago
  2. 5b4a9b5 Add a tool to compare the binsizes of plugins and codecs of 2 build dirs by Rafaël Carré · 14 years ago
  3. e251df9 Utils/Analysis/Find_Addr.pl: fix wrongly recognizing addresses as being in codec or plugin space when their addresses were invalid by Maurus Cuelenaere · 15 years ago
  4. 0a59e04 utils/analysis/find_addr.pl: fix detection of codec start address by Maurus Cuelenaere · 15 years ago
  5. 1176553 utils/analysis/find_addr.pl: also add support for plugins & codecs by Maurus Cuelenaere · 15 years ago
  6. a85f369 Add (better IMO) alternative for utils/analyis/objdiff.py (taken from Linux kernel, scripts/bloat-o-meter.py) by Maurus Cuelenaere · 15 years ago
  7. e8f75ed Add an utility to easily find the assembled instructions at a specific memory location in a Rockbox binary by Maurus Cuelenaere · 15 years ago
  8. 88e2c88 Add new directory under utils for code-analysis tools, and objdiff.py script to display per-symbol size deltas between object files. by Andrew Mahone · 15 years ago