blob: 59cc256fbcdc66e551a3272595bb03544e7f1d30 [file] [log] [blame]
{include file="header.tpl" title=$title rss="rss.php"}
<h1>Rockbox translations</h1>
On this page you can see the current status of the various Rockbox translations.
Ideally, all languages below should be at 100%. In reality though, this is not
the case. You can help remedy this situation by clicking on the name of a
language you speak and help translate Rockbox all within the comfort of your
webbrowser. Alternatively, you can go to <a
href="//">this page</a> in the
Rockbox wiki, which will tell you how to update languages the more manual, but
possibly slightly safer way.
<p>You can also find some stats about <a href="//">font coverage</a>.</p>
<h2>Current translation status</h2>
{foreach from=$summary key=k item=v}
<li>{$v} {$k} translations
{if $k=="good"}(&gt;95% translated){/if}
{if $k=="normal"}(&gt;50% translated){/if}
{if $k=="bad"}(&lt;50% translated){/if}
<td colspan='4'>Language</td>
<td>Last update</td>
<td>Missing strings</td>
<td>Changed description</td>
<td>Changed source</td>
{foreach from=$langstats key=langfile item=language}
{if $language.percentage == 100}
{assign var='rowclass' value='good'}
{elseif $language.percentage < 50}
{assign var='rowclass' value='poor'}
{assign var='rowclass' value=''}
<tr class="{$rowclass}">
<img class="flagthumb" src="flags/22/{$language.flag}.png" />
{if $langfile != 'english'}
<a href='problems.php?lang={$langfile}'><img style='border: none' src='warning.gif' width='16' height='16' /></a>
{if file_exists('graphs/$langfile')}
<a href='graphs/{$langfile}.png'><img style='border: none' src='graph.png' width='16' height='16' /></a>
{if $language.percentage == 100 && $language.desc == 0 && $language.source == 0}
<a href='edit.php?lang={$langfile}'>{$}</a>
<a href='//{$language.last_update_rev}' title='{$language.last_update|date_format:"%c"}'>
<td><img title='{$language.percentage|string_format:"%.2f%%"}' src='graph.php?p={$language.percentage|string_format:"%.2f"}' /></td>
<h2>Perform automated cleanup</h2>
<p>Using the form below, it's possible to perform automated cleanups of a
translation. Be aware though, that this might produce unwanted results in some
cases, so you're required to check the results rather than blindly trusting
<form action="fixlang.php" method="GET">
<select name="lang">
{foreach from=$languages item=language key=langfile}
{if $langfile != 'upload'}
<option value='{$langfile}'>{$}</option>
<label for='voice' title='Copy translation to voice for phrases where string and voice are the same in the English language file'>Copy voice strings</label>
<input type='checkbox' id='voice', name='voice' title='Copy translation to voice for phrases where string and voice are the same in the English language file' />
<label for='empty' title='Make empty and "none" strings match the English language file'>Fix empty strings</label>
<input type='checkbox' id='empty', name='empty' title='Make empty and "none" strings match the English language file' />
<label for='sort' title='Sort phrases in the same order as the English language file'>Sort in English order</label>
<input type='checkbox' id='sort', name='sort' title='Sort phrases in the same order as the English language file' />
<label for='sendfile' title='Prompt to save the result on disk'>Save result as file</label>
<input type='checkbox' id='sendfile', name='sendfile' title='Prompt to save the result on disk' />
<td align="right" colspan="2"><input type="submit" /></td>
{include file="footer.tpl"}