blob: f3b5489e314f4167acf01fd0d11bd115410ae3e1 [file] [log] [blame]
Rockbox Translation Editor
php-Smarty >= 3.0
perl (for language file & font stats processing)
To set up: (assuming user/group for web server is apache/apache)
mkdir -p templates/compiled headers
chown apache:apache templates/compliled headers
ln -s /path/to/writeable/rockbox/git/clone/dir rockbox
Then set up cron job (or some sort of post-commit hook) to run:
php update.php > fontcoverage.ini
Note that the only files that matter for these scripts are:
rockbox/tools/genlang (update.php only)
rockbox/apps/lang/*.lang (both update.php and
rockbox/fonts/*.bdf ( only)